Network Marketing – You Will Not Be Successful If You Don’t Put in The Work

It is not easy to build a network marketing business. The majority of people who venture into network marketing fail; only a small percentage of about 3% succeed. That is a very small percentage. What does that mean for you? That means that the successful 3% of network marketers are in a class all by themselves. They are looking at what the masses are doing and then they are venturing in the total opposite direction. They are innovators who stand out from the crowd. They are doing things that far exceed what most are willing to do. They are eating, sleeping and breathing their network marketing businesses. You will not get very far if you are just average.Today, the economy is in turmoil and millions upon millions of people are struggling, out of work, and trying to figure out how to provide for their families. People are moving in droves in the direction of network marketing as the means to solve their daily problems; unfortunately network marketing is not a get rich quick type of business. You are no longer trading time for dollars. You are now putting in the time and the dollars. Network marketing is an investment in your future. You are going to have to roll up your sleeves and be prepared to give up some blood, some sweat and some tears. It is not about barreling through company after company until you hit the “JACKPOT”, the company that is going to make you rich beyond your years. Network marketing is nothing like the state lottery where you can get lucky by selecting the right combination of numbers and “BOOM” in an instant you are a millionaire. First off, the odds of winning the lottery are quite low. Secondly, there is no “jackpot” company out there. No matter what business you are in, if you do not put in the WORK you will not win.So, how do you win in network marketing? Hard work! And then more hard work! Successful marketers will tell you that realistically it took them anywhere from six months to several years to earn real money. If you listen to the highly successful MLM icons you will hear about all the bumps and bruises that were sustained as they traveled that long and rough road to MLM success. It is a process that takes time. Like a beautiful piece of pottery, you have to take shape and mold your business. I see so many “desperate” marketers out there in internet-land on a daily basis, and yes I said DESPERATE! I get so many business opportunities shoved at me daily. Don’t get me wrong I am always open to new ways to earn income from home. But I come across rudeness and inconsideration; my Facebook wall gets spammed daily. That is not a successful business formula. It is important to study the basics of marketing. It is important to learn proper marketing and internet etiquette. And it is very important to take the time to study how the 3% of success stories came to be. These people want to zoom right past that long and rough road and fast-track right to Network Marketing Utopia. It cannot be done!Network marketing is about building personable relationships with people. It is that fundamental, foundational “building” step that failing marketers like to ignore. I can understand the frustration and desperation of trying to replace income that may have been lost when a job was taken away. Believe me I know what it is like to be out of work with kids to feed. But trying to quickly cash in under the guise of a home-based business does not work! You must adopt the mindset of a marketer whose goal is to help as many people as possible, not a marketer whose goal is to make as much money as possible. When your focus is solely on making money and nothing else you lose. That is how you end up on the fast-track to being a 97 %er.I know you have heard it over and over again but let me reiterate, “As a network marketer you will not be successful if you do not put in the work”….PERIOD! There is no fast-track, no magic potion, no sneaky tactic that you can pull to expedite this process. In order to be successful in network marketing you have to NETWORK! You need to build a large stream of meaningful contacts.
WHY?Because your meaningful contacts (or leads) are the life blood of your business. They will become your distributors, customers, and dependable sources for referrals. YOU NEED THEM!And yes it is a process. In order to build a strong team you must have leads. For every hundred people you make contact with, you may connect and build a “meaningful relationship with 5-10. That means that you are going to have to get out there and gather a ton of leads using several different methods. There really is no rhyme or reason to this industry and while I hate it when people say that network marketing is a numbers game…in a way it is. That does not mean you spam as many people as you can on a daily basis and sit back and see how many actually latch on to you. You have to actually connect with a great number of people daily. You have to prospect. But before you can prospect you have to know who to prospect to. Who is your target market? You cannot just throw your information in the face of anyone you see. You have to have a marketing strategy and a marketing plan. As a network marketer you are providing a service to those in need. You must assess who is in need of what you have to offer and target those people.A person cannot run a successful business with just one or two, or even three to four people on their team. Even if these few people jump on board with you and are super producers you have to account for the fact that they may leave at any given time. In this industry it is quite common for people to move from place to place. You have to be smart and build up a network of people in large numbers. That takes a great deal of planning, a great deal of time and a tremendous amount of effort.People do business with people they know, like and trust! They will not do business with people who bombard them and annoy them. Think about it, how annoyed would you be if everyday someone was taping flyers and business cards to your front door and car. No matter how many times you remove them, the next day your front door and car are cluttered all over again. I would imagine you would be livid…I think it is safe to say that company WOULD NOT be getting your business. That is the same message that is relayed online when as a network marketer relationship-building is eliminated.Network Marketing is tough!Successfully running your own business is extremely rewarding but HARD WORK! There is no way around that…no shortcut.HERE ARE SOME OF THE MOST COMMON SHORTCUTS PEOPLE TAKE THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED:Not Staying Engaged
You should understand that a home-based business opportunity in network marketing involves you staying engaged. You cannot jump in and out of your business and expect to be successful. Your network marketing business is YOUR job. If you had a job and only showed up only once or twice a week how much money do you think you would earn? Not much! How long do you think you would last at that job? You have to stay engaged.Skipping Trainings and Team Webinars
Participating in company trainings and webinars is very important and an excellent way for you to learn how to make your business propel forward. Trainings and webinars keep you motivated and keep you updated on new business innovations. For me the biggest advantage is connecting with other members of your company and team. You have an opportunity to hear the success stories of others as well as pick up new business techniques that are being shared by others.Consistently skipping company trainings and webinars is an easy way to become disengaged. Unless you already know all there is to know about your company, you don’t need to be sitting these things out. As with anything in life the more time spent learning, training and perfecting a skill the better you will get. Not staying connected to your company limits your knowledge and motivation. Trainings keep team members motivated. Listening to the challenges and struggles of others allows you to see that you are not alone. They bring back the momentum that gets lost as you venture out and try to succeed on your own but run into roadblocks. People who stay connected are the ones who are less likely to quit at the first sign of trouble.• Not Following the System…Then Becoming Frustrated When Magic Doesn’t Occur
• Failing To Get On The Phone And Connect With Your Prospects
• Jumping From Opportunity to Opportunity Hoping to Land on the Golden Egg
• Allowing Negative Feedback and Comments from Others to Break Your SpiritNetwork marketing is not a hobby. On our road to success we are experiencing so many things; triumph, frustration, inspiration, failure, joy, success, disappointment…it is a vicious cycle but you have to keep working. Eventually you will get there. It is your company and if you want it to take you all the way to your dream world of financial freedom you have to work it!